Tuesday 16 October 2007

Wednesday 10 October 2007

A beginning

Every blog has to have a first post. Perhaps the writer wants to introduce themselves, perhaps they can't wait to get into blogging and they launch into the first of a series of tirades about the way the world is. This is the first post of a new blog. I don't know yet how this will turn out. Perhaps I'll end up with a witty series of comments satirising and stereotyping daily life as a full-time Mummy in an English suburb. Or perhaps I'll end up with a string of complaints about the idiots that inhabit the same patch as me. Or perhaps (and very probably most likely) this will fizzle out in a few weeks leaving whatever readers as may have found it wondering what happened, and correctly guessing that life got in the way.

Well that was almost an introduction, and not really a tirade. It was a beginning, and hopefully not and end!